Amazon Prime Video on Saturday announced its first Tamil series, Vella Raja (White King), which will be released on December 7. The Series Featuring famous tamil film actor Bobby Simha in a lead role and also Parvatii Nair, Gayathrie and Kaali Venkat ara in the crew. A Telugu and Hindi dubbed version will also be available, the company said in a press note.
The web series produced by Dream Warrior Pictures’ SR Prabhu, who is known for bankrolling projects like Maanagaram, Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru, and Aruvi. And it has to noted that this is the first tamil web series.Here take a look at the teaser of the series.
Cast: BobbySimha, ParvatiiNair, GayathrieShankar, KaaliVenkat
Produced By: SR Prakash Babu & SR Prabhu
Directed By: Guhan Senniappan
DOP: Madhesh Manickam
Music Directed By: Vishal Chandrashekhar
Edited By: Philomin Raj